Cat-girl Of The Month Special Series
12 Months Of Cheesecake
It's a new year and with that, a new batch of monthly cat-girl features. I've decided to put a bit of extra effort into my pictures for 2004 and present them in a style that I've wanted to for a while. I have a rather sizeable collection of anime art-books and enjoy both the full color pictures as well as the b/w design illustrations. With that in mind, I've tried to give my art the same type of treatment. So as a bonus for each month, there will be a b/w data sheet - chock full of design sketches and vital cat-girl info ;) - as well as a full color, pin-up cat-girl calendar!
So, unfold your napkin, take your fork in hand and have that glass of milk ready - the time for 12 Months Of Cheesecake has arrived! =)
Thanks for coming to see the C.O.T.M. - let me know what you think! :)
August 04 September 04 September Data
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